Wednesday, September 8, 2010


When I was young I wanted to go to Abraham Baldwin. I had every intention of becoming a farmer when I was "grown up." I was going to have a railroad track put in straight from my farm over to where my sister was going to be a missionary. I had it all planned out. Well, except for the money and building a railroad track over bodies of water that were miles deep. Planned out. Time passed on. I learned I had an inclination for computers and math, and suddenly nothing was more right than being an Engineer. I spent hours and hours watching Modern Marvels on the most complex structures in foreign countries. I told people I would help complete the hydrogen engine. I had it all planned out. Well, except for a few things. Planned out. Through my teen years, being home-schooled put a damper on my mathematic abilities and my Engineering dreams fell into the box with my toy Model A John Deere. Since then nothing has been certain. I often come back to ideas of music education, but really I only want to teach my children. I spent months arguing with my parents over college before I agreed to attend. I feel like the money and time that my state and my parents will spend putting me through school would much better serve someone who dreams to have a career. That person isn't me. When I dream, it's of a country house, with a garden, a piano, and a dozen children. I dream of tending to my home, growing my own food, and mothering. Do you need to go to college to do what's natural?

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